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Zhejiang University
Release date:2020-04-07    Click:984

Mettant l’accent sur l’exigence fondamentale du « développement complet avec la capacité et la moralité », l’université de zhejiang a pleinement mis en œuvre la tâche fondamentale de cultiver les gens avec la moralité, l’intelligence, le physique, l’esthétique et le travail, et s’est concentrée sur cultiver des talents innovateurs et des talents de leadership de haute qualité avec un développement global de la moralité, de l’intelligence, du physique et du travail et de la compétitivité mondialeL’université normale du Zhejiang adhère à la direction de la gestion de l’école sous le socialisme avec des caractéristiques chinoises et la tâche fondamentale de cultiver les gens avec la moraleAdhering to the school motto of "li xue li xing, wei shi wei xin", carry forward the tradition of "practical, practical, solid" education, and implement the development strategy of "characteristic, internationalization, regionalization, and synergy"We take the initiative to serve zhejiang teachers' education, regional economic and social development, and national strategic measures, and strive to build characteristic zhejiang teachers, harmonious zhejiang teachers, beautiful zhejiang teachers, dynamic zhejiang teachers, and happy zhejiang teachers, so as to forge ahead towards the goal of "building a first-class university with distinctive characteristics".It was approved to set up the research center for cultural exchanges between China and South Africa of the ministry of education, the Confucius institute Africa research center of hanban, and the Confucius institute teacher selection and training center of zhejiang province.Hangzhou Clean PCO Technology Co., Ltd.  On the professional pest control for 17 years, hassolved the pest problem for tens of thousands of families, is your trustworthy partnerIn 2004, the company developed its own brand of flykilling lamp, and the purple dragonfly
flykilling lamp was praised by everyone after it entered the marketIt is our common goal to make the world free of exterminating pests

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