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China Telecom
Release date:2020-04-07    Click:1202

The main sector of fixed telephony, mobile communications, satellite communications, Internet access and applications and other services complete information.China telecom is a state-owned telecommunications oversizing company, is the leading omprehensive intelligent information service operators, to help network power, to serve the livelihood of people.We have been collaborating with China telecom for many years and regularly visit public places for disinfection and insecticide services to ensure public health and environmental hygieneIn 2004, the company has developed its own brand of flykilling lamp, and the purple dragonfly
flykilling lamp was praised by everyone after entering the marketThe lamp uses special and irresistible attractive UV light to attract and catch
mosquitoes, flies and other pests.Hangzhou Clean PCO Technology Co., Ltd.  

Sur la lutte antiparasitaire professionnelle depuis 17 ans, arésolu le problème des ravageurs pour des dizaines de milliers de familles, est votre partenaire digne de confiance

Links: La maison tous les jours Les Puce Les fourmis Le Fleas Les Souris Le cafard Le Papillon

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