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Jiangsu Wuzhong Pharmaceutical Group C orporation
Release date:2020-04-07    Click:1278

Il est la principale filiale de holding de jiangsu wuzhong industrial co., LTD. C’est la principale entreprise d’épine dorsale du plan national de torche wuzhong base de l’industrie pharmaceutique. Le groupe est principalement engagé dans la recherche et le développement, la production et la vente de la médecine biologique, la médecine chimique et la médecine chinoise moderne.Jiangsu wuzhong pharmaceutical group will take "interpretation of life, dismantle people" as the purpose of the enterprise, and strive to build the core competitiveness of wuzhong medicine, so that "wuzhong medicine" become a strong brand in the pharmaceutical industry.All pharmaceutical manufacturing processes are sterile and pollution-free to ensure drug safetyThe group has 9 wholly owned and holding companies, forming a complete chain of the pharmaceutical industry integrating R&D, production and sales.

In 2004, the company developed its own brand of flykilling lamp, and the purple dragonfly flykilling lamp was praised by everyone after entering the market.

This lamp subverts the electric shock appendage form of traditional case to destroy the high-voltage current device of flying lamp, does not produce the arc, the spark, the calm working aspect is generous, catches the insect effect to be more remarkableCe produit is widely used in restaurants, kitchens and dining rooms of various specifications. It can also be used in food, medicine, drinks, electronics, precision instruments, chemical industry, nonwoven fabric, packaging industry 

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